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Topics and selected publications

My research deals with various aspects of functional cognition; Awareness, self-perception, growth mindset, social learning, executive functions, and the use of cognitive strategies for daily functioning, among typical and clinical populations. 

Over the years I have published several clinical research articles and a book chapter on these topics. 

My research

This link will take you to my studies on my Google Scholar profile  

Metacognitive Intervention of Encouraging a Growth Mindset and Awareness to Performance, for Youth At-Risk. 

Zlotnik, Regev, Prievas -Castro, Wende, and Weiss (2021)

Photo by Dr. Sivan Regev

This research was aimed at measuring differences in the growth mindset and awareness of the performance of youth-at-risk, following their participation in a metacognitive intervention 

.....and then came Covid-19…influencing every aspect of our lives, including distance data collection 

User Experience research methodologies

In a nutshell, "Usability" is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are in an attempt to improve the 'ease-of-use during the design process. This is a vital phase in developing an effective technology-based rehabilitation, which is conducted by focus groups and UX questionnaires.  

More about this in my projects

To my usability studies

More links are in the making ...

I use A/B testing to measure two variants of a layout, design, or text on a webpage or app against each other to determine which one best serves the user's purpose. 

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